Overview of Disaster Preparation

Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home, and your family may be without basic services like water, gas, electricity, and telephones, or access to stores and other 
services for several hours, or several days. However, earthquake, flood, fire, and terrorism are all threats that you and your family can prepare for.

East Palo Alto encourages everyone to take action now to plan for such a situation, for their own and their family's safety. Experts say that families need to be prepared to be self-reliant (that is, able to get along without any outside services or assistance) for three days (see below for an example of a three-day survival kit). However, to prepare for a major emergency it’s better to plan for a full seven days.  Click here for basic emergency supply list information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

You should also consider joining with some neighbors (or on your own) and participating in one of these FREE disaster preparedness training programs provided by San Mateo County:

  • The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training program offers a series of classes (20 hours total) during which you'll learn more in-depth, crucial information about fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster medical operations, and more.

Here are links with more information that will help you, your family, and your business to
be well-prepared in the event of disaster:

Large earthquakes, especially deep sea earthquakes, can cause a tidal wave. While a tidal wave's impact on the bay side of the peninsula is difficult to predict, it’s a good idea to keep it in mind when assessing your home’s disaster preparedness. The Red Cross offers information on tsunamis and ideas for preparation.

By planning ahead with family members and neighbors, you’ll be best able to stay safe and sound during a large-scale emergency.