Capital Improvement Program

A Capital Improvement Plan (“CIP”) serves as a City's road map for preserving, maintaining, and developing any City-owned public infrastructure or assets. Generally, a CIP provides a five- to ten-year plan for all individual capital projects, equipment purchases, and major studies and includes construction, scheduling, and financing for each project. A comprehensive CIP clearly delineates the objectives of capital programs and its relationships to a City’s long-range development plans.

The City's current Capital Improvement Projects and their progress updates may be found in the drop-down menu under Capital Improvement Program on the left-hand menu. Please select the red plus sign to the left of the Capital Improvement Program page to display the drop-down list of Capital Projects.

The City's current, adopted Ten-year Capital Improvement Program and FY2020-2021 Capital Budget may be found in the attachment below.

Also, the FY 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, Two-year CIP can be found here and in the attachment below.